New Salary Grids

The recent publication of the new salary grids prompted some questions. That confusion is not unusual given that we don’t typically need to refer to these grids on a regular basis. Here are the answers to the most common questions members have regarding how to determine their position on the grid as well as progression through the grid.

How do I determine my place on the grid?

As per Article 39.02 of the Collective Agreement, your placement on the grid is determined by your rank (Probationary Lecturer, Probationary Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, ETA Lecturer, ETA Senior Lecturer, LTA lecturer, LTA Assistant Professor; and for librarians: LTA Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, Senior Librarian).

Your biweekly pay notices should show your grid salary divided by the number of two-week periods in one year which is set to 26.

How do I move from one step to another?

Performance reviews allow you to move up on the grid each year. Due to Covid, the last performance exercise was suspended and all members (save for a dozen or so that needed to submit performance materials) were automatically granted positive reviews meaning that their grid salary should move up on June 1, 2021, and again on June 1, 2022.

What happens when I reach the top of the grid?

Whenever you reach the top of the grid, you will cease to receive step increases but will continue to get the percentage increase (2.6% and 2.4% in the next two years) that is negotiated at that time.


Final Salary Grids for Collective Agreement Extension 2021-2023

Salary Grids 2018-2021 Collective Agreement