The Late Dr. François-Marc Gagnon’s Art History Course

Like many of you, we recently learned about the eConcordia student who, when trying to contact whom he thought was his Art History professor, discovered that Dr. François-Marc Gagnon had passed away. We are looking into this matter with the best interest of our members in mind. At this point we know that the course outline does clearly mention the name of the current instructor, Dr. Marco Deyasi, as well as the name of the late Dr. François-Marc Gagnon who recorded the original lectures. The outline does not however indicate that he has died. It is disturbing that the students and even the course instructor were under the impression that he was still alive and presumably retired. Most people find this inexcusable, indeed shocking. It is also what gives this story traction and undermines the reputation of Concordia University.

We are not yet able to check the eConcordia contract with Professor Gagnon but we are in contact with the Administration on the issue.

Although we don’t object to the course continuing subject to the conditions of the contract and underlying law, we believe that there should have been a clear acknowledgement of the contribution of the professor whose videos are fundamental to the course but who has, sadly, passed away.