CUFORUM Guidelines

  • CUFORUM is a moderated discussion forum allowing members to express and share their work-related interests, concerns and solutions.
  • As a non-political organization, CUFA, through the CUFORUM, will not publish viewpoints that address political issues not related to the workplace. Academic freedom, safety on campus, tuition increases and similar topics may be addressed in a general way without reference to specific individuals or groups.
  • Posts and comments are welcome, but members are encouraged to do their due diligence in verifying the accuracy of their information before posting.
  • At all times, civility and a respectful tone are required to post on the Forum. Contributions cannot in any manner be harassing, libellous or discriminatory to any person. Ad hominem critiques or attacks are not acceptable and will not be posted on the Forum. This is because CUFA would be responsible for any damages or legal proceedings as the sponsor of the website, and the University would not be required to take on any harassment claims brought forward by our members.
  • Members who choose to participate agree to absolve CUFA of any liability and hold CUFA harmless for any postings or any reactions thereto.
  • CUFA reserves to its entire discretion whether a letter or comment shall appear on its website.
  • Only when a new subject is posted will subscribers receive an email. The email will inform them that a new conversation has started on the Forum.


  • The content of CUFORUM does not emanate from nor does it represent the opinion or the official position of CUFA.
  • Each post must be signed by its author.
  • Though the CUFORUM is a members’ only platform and accessible via login and password, be advised that CUFA cannot ensure the confidentiality of the content of the forum.